
Hi everybody,
to test this forum I will kick it off by entering the first two manuscripts on the Blodgett Warming Experiment stemming from the PhD projects of Cyrill Zosso and Nicholas Ofiti in our group in Zurich. Both will present their results during the Swiss Geoscience Meeting 7. November and at AGU a few weeks later, both events with video conferencing.

Zosso, C.U., Ofiti, N.O.E., Soong, J.L., Solly, E.F., Torn, M.S., Huguet, A., Wiesenberg, G.L.B. and Schmidt, M.W.I. (submitted Sep 2020) Whole soil warming decreases abundance and modifies community structure of microorganisms in subsoil but not in surface soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry.

Ofiti, N.O.E., Zosso, C.Y., Soong, J.L., Solly, E.F., Torn, M.S., Wiesenberg, G.L.W. and Schmidt, M.W.I. (submitted September 2020) Warming promotes loss of subsoil carbon through accelerated degradation of plant-derived organic matter. Soil Biolgy and Biochemistry.

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